
We look forward to your questions and suggestions! Simply use our contact form to send Storck a message, or have a look at our FAQ; the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions are listed here.


Do merci products contain ingredients of animal origin?

We use vegetable-based and dairy products to make our merci products. The merci Finest Selection assorted crunchy almond varieties also contain chicken egg white as an ingredient.

Do merci products contain alcohol?

Alcohol is not an ingredient of merci chocolates. However, some of the flavourings in the chocolate fillings may contain alcohol as they can only be extracted with the aid of alcohol and therefore come into contact with alcohol in the course of the extraction process. The volume of alcohol that reaches the end product in this way is roughly equivalent to the volume of alcohol that ordinary fruit juices contain due to the natural fermentation of the fruit.

Are merci products gluten-free?

The merci product Finest Selection Assorted Almond variety is not gluten-free, as it contains wheat protein and wheat malt.

Most merci products meet Health Canada standards for gluten-free foods (no more than 20 ppm of gluten per product), however, we have chosen not to label our products as "gluten-free" at this time.  If you have a gluten allergy, we recommend that you speak to your physician before consuming our product.

This information applies to the current recipes and may change in future; please refer to the list of ingredients on the product packaging.


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Information on Product Complaints

Customer feedback is very important to us. In order to process your complaint, we ask that you keep the respective product in the original packaging. Upon receipt of your e-mail, we will contact you to explain the next steps.